Ac Thermostat Replacement

The AC thermostat is responsible for stabilizing and controlling the AC temperature. This is a mechanism which helps in increasing and decreasing the AC temperature. The thermostat of the AC controls the AC cooling and helps the AC user to adjust it according to the use and weather. AC Thermostat Replacement service is offered by…

AC Drain Cleaning Services

A clogged AC drain is a big emergency which needs quick and right attention. That is why Ac Repairs Dubai provide the best and fastest AC drain cleaning services in Dubai Marina. Our AC technicians are expert in cleaning AC drainage, repairing the leaks, solving line problems and get the flowing AC drains right on…

AC Coil Leak Repair

The leaky AC coils are one of the common problems every AC owner suffers. The leakage of AC coils cause problems and need repairs because in result much of the water can damage the house, floor, furniture, walls and AC. The other problem can be caused by the leakage of AC coils such as wet…

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